Pool Opening Pricelist
(standard pricing)
Standard Pool (chems included)........ $285.00
attached spa to pool............................ $35.00
waterfall (each).................................... $35.00
D.E / Cartridge Filter Cleaning ........... $135.00
Annual Pool Heater Maintenance 1.... $225.00
Salt Cell Cleaning................................... $150.00
Pool Deck Cleaning ............................... $400.00
-deck cleaning includes light pressure wash
and brushing (may be done separate visit)
Pool Cover Cleaning ............................. $225.00
​-cover cleaning includes light pressure wash
and brushing (may be done separate visit)
Spa Opening/ Closing (portable).........$325.00
Spa Pumpout/Cleaning/Refill...............$250.00
Pool Opening prices are based on 800 sq ft pool or approx 28,000 gallons, larger pools require quote. All prices add 6.625% NJ sales tax